APPLE SAUCE This section of our Newsletter will be devoted to "Bits of Bytes", small items which would be of interest to us all. Contributions will be more than welcome They can be copied from other publications if there is no copyright and if credit is given to the source. Details of how to send articles can be found in another section of this disk. Home Computer Ownership The Electronic Industries Association estimates that 17.6 million homes have computers as of last January. This means that approximately 8.2% of all households own a home computer. Ownership is most likely in those households which have incomes of $30,000 or more (23%). Households which have incomes of less that $10,000 are the least likely to own a computer (1.7%). People aged 34 to 44 are the most likely to own computers. These adults having children are three times more likely to have a computer than those who are childless. Of the adults in computer households, only a little more than half (53%) say they use their computers. By gender, 63% of the men use their computers while 48% of the women use theirs. Adults in the West and North are the most likely to own a home computer (10%). More adults in the West, however, are likely to use their computers (58% in the West vs 50% in the Northeast). The rate of ownership is 9% in the Midwest with about 55% using them. The rate of ownership is least in the South at little less than 8% of all adult households with about 52% saying they use their computers. In addition, there are presently 15.8 million small-business computers in use. There are also 3.2 million computers used in schools and 1.3 million computers are used in scientific research. ********************** How To Produce a New Program From Atlanta Area Apple Users Group 1. First take orders 2. Then take more orders 3. Design the program 4. Hire a staff to make the program 5. Get a publisher 6. Buy ads 7. In the ads, you say "It's here!" *********************** MURPHY'S LAW ON COMPUTING (From NEO APPLE BITS) * He who hesitates is probably smart. * To err is human .. to blame your computer for your mistakes is even more human. * He who laughs last probably made a back-up. * The first place to look for information is the section of the manual you least expect to find it. * The person who says that something can't be done should never interrupt the person who is doing it. * Experience is something you don't get until just after you needed it most. * Confidence is the feeling you get just before you understand the problem. * No matter what goes wrong with your carefully planned database system, there is always someone who says they knew it would. * When you're asked if you need help to understand a computer program, say "No", then negotiate. * The number one cause of computer problems is computer solutions. * A complex system that doesn't work is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that worked well. ~~~